Examination of buildings with different number of floors using non-linear time history analysis according to TBEC-2018 and EC 8 seismic codes

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Mehmet Yılmaz
Hüsnü Can
Fatmagül Köktaş


Earthquakes are among the natural disasters that occur on earth and cause loss of life and property. As a result of the earthquakes that have occurred on the earth from the past to the present, the issue of earthquake performance of structures has come to the fore in structural and earthquake engineering. Within the scope of this research, the carrier system; Consisting of a unhollow reinforced concrete shear wall frame system with high ductility having the same floor formwork plan; The seismic performance evaluation of 10, 15 and 20 storey existing reinforced concrete buildings was made by using nonlinear time history analysis according to Turkish Building Earthquake Code 2018 (TBEC-2018) and Eurocode 8 (EC 8) earthquake codes. Within the scope of the study, SAP200 (v25) computer software was used for modelling of the structures and performance analysis. In scope of the data obtained, it has been determined that TBEC-2018 is on the safer side compared to Eurocode 8.

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How to Cite
Yılmaz, M., Can, H., & Köktaş , F. . (2024). Examination of buildings with different number of floors using non-linear time history analysis according to TBEC-2018 and EC 8 seismic codes. Advanced Engineering Science, 4, 76–92. Retrieved from https://publish.mersin.edu.tr/index.php/ades/article/view/1394


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