Investigation of the effect of Isparta pumice on the unconfined compressive strength and swelling pressure of clay

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Ömür Çimen
Sıddıka Nilay Keskin


This study investigates the effect of pumice, known as Karakaya pumice, and taken from the Isparta-Gölcük region, on clay’s unconfined compressive strength and swelling pressure. For this purpose, the physical and index properties of the clay and pumice were determined and then 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% pumice by weight were mixed with clay. Standard compaction tests were performed on clay, pumice, and clay-pumice mixture. With these experiments, the effect of pumice on compaction parameters was evaluated. Samples were prepared under optimum water content and maximum dry unit weight conditions to conduct unconfined compressive strength and swelling tests. The results show that as the pumice additive ratio increased up to 30%, the unconfined compressive strength also increased. However, it was observed that when the additive ratio exceeded 30%, the unconfined compressive strength decreased. The results of the swelling pressure test indicate that as the amount of pumice in the mixture increases, the swelling pressure decreases. It has been determined that Isparta pumice can effectively stabilize compacted clay, reducing its swelling pressure and increasing its unconfined compressive strength. The recommended rate for adding pumice to the clay is 30%.

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How to Cite
Çimen, Ömür ., & Keskin, S. N. (2024). Investigation of the effect of Isparta pumice on the unconfined compressive strength and swelling pressure of clay. Advanced Engineering Science, 4, 113–119. Retrieved from


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