The effect of a polygon route that is not stretched on the investigation of a rough incorrectly measured angle and edge
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When a traverse net is in a tense position, the angles measured between the directions observed at the traverse points are close to 200g. If the angles measured between the directions observed at the traverse points are around 100g or 300g, this indicates that the net is not in a tight manner. In both the Large-Scale Map and Map Information Production Regulation and the 1/2500 Large Scale Map Production Regulation, which was abolished, the traverse nets created must be stretched. In the event that the net is disturbed for compulsory reasons, there is no problem in the coordinate calculation of the traverse unless a rough error is made in the size of the edge and angle. However, if a rough error is made in the angle or edge dimension on a non-taut traverse net, is it possible to determine the point where the rough faulty edge or rough faulty angle is measured with the taught rules? Whether this is possible or not was investigated in this study. In this study, theoretical information on the subject has been given and practical studies have been done. Findings and opinions obtained as a result of the study are stated.
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