Geological factors in solid waste landfill site selection
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It is possible to define all kinds of substances and materials that become useless as a result of human activities and do not contain enough liquid to be fluid, as "solid waste". This definition includes all sweepings and garbage generated in houses, streets, parks and institutions, solid wastes and wastes resulting from commercial agricultural and industrial activities, and sludge produced in water and wastewater treatment plants. Problems arising from solid wastes, which is one of the important environmental problems of our country, are increasing in parallel with the increasing population, and the necessity of landfills has gained importance in terms of environmental and human health. Solid wastes are generally disposed of through incineration, composting, recycling or landfill. The landfill is an integrated management system that includes the transportation of domestic solid wastes in accordance with the legislation, regular storage, sterilization of medical wastes, leachate treatment and storage gas disposal, and incineration system components. Many criteria are taken into consideration when selecting solid waste landfill sites. During the site selection, the preparation of thematic maps by examining the geological, hydrogeological, and hydrological characteristics of the area in detail is included in the field of geology. Within the scope of the investigation, the importance of geological factors in the selection of solid waste landfill sites was examined and their importance was stated within the scope of sustainable environmental protection.
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