Simulation with the Mirone application for the construction of marine mechanical waves generated by possible seismic events in the territory of the Adriatic and Ionian seas
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In this study, we will present the practical development of some simulations that we have done with the Mirone program for the generation of tsunami waves. These simulations are taken into account for real seismic events that have occurred in the Adriatic and Ionian seas throughout history and the data that have been reported for certain areas. In practical simulations with applications, we have the opportunity to see what is actually expected to happen in such events. We have presented several scenarios and we have also analyzed all the results that we have derived from the calculations and simulations made. We have taken risk assessment scenarios in both our seas and we have also given the effects they will have on the ecology of coastal areas and underwater ecology. A scenario-based method was used to provide a tsunami hazard assessment for the first time in this region. The Ionian-Adriatic region has experienced a sudden economic and tourism boom with an increase in the coastal population and the development of large free time zones in recent years and more so in parts of coastal cities that are only a few meters above sea level. sea making them future targets of a large-scale disaster, even if the height of the tsunami wave is moderate. Various simulations and specific professional programs have been used to develop the measurements. For the calculation of the tsunami wave, the basic methods of calculating the wave have been taken into account. Some special analysis needs to be continued in further studies of the composition of the Albanian coast which may reveal some influential factors in the calculations obtained. At the end of the study are presented at the most endangered areas and a plan has been made for precautionary measures that can be taken by Civil Emergencies.
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