Evaluation of the soil conditions in Alikahya Region (Izmit)
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In this study, the soil conditions of Alikahya region (Izmit) were investigated by the results of geological, geophysical and geotechnical survey results. Alikahya region is almost entirely located on sub-mid-upper Eocene aged rocks and Quaternary aged sediments. The alluvium thickness is nearly 300 m. According to seismic studies, P-wave velocities are between 277-2562 m/sec, and S-wave velocities are between 110-1427 m/sec in the study area. The determined local soil classes are Z-3 on the clay stones and Z-4 on the Quaternary aged alluvium, respectively. The ground water level varies between 1-2 m depths in the alluvium. Alikahya region located on first degree earthquake risk zone and liquefaction analysis results indicated that the existence of local liquefiable areas in the study area.
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