Modelling of supercapacitor by using parameter estimation method for energy storage system
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Researches to increase efficiency in renewable energy systems are increasing the interest in high power density (HPD) energy storage units day by day. HPD units form a hybrid energy storage system (HESS) when used together with a high energy density (HED) energy storage system. Supercapacitors are the most frequently used storage units among HPD with their features such as low cost, low self-discharge rate and high lifecycle. When systems need high power, supercapacitors which is used to support HED units to ensure that the transmitted power’s stability, efficiency, and high quality. The use of supercapacitors in HESS with the exact timing has a significant impact on its performance. For this reason, supercapacitors must be modeled correctly and well-integrated with the system. In this study, parameter estimation was made by using the data obtained from the simulation study and the supercapacitor was modeled. The supercapacitor model has been tested for charging and discharging at different currents and successful results have been obtained.
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