Studies on the extraction of oil from watermelon seeds

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Farmonov Jasur Boykharayevich


In this work, the results obtained show that in order to obtain the maximum amount of oil from watermelon seeds, it is necessary to add 5% of the seed shell to the seed kernel, steam at 150 ° C for 20 minutes and dry the mixture. At the same time, the fat yield is 13.59%, and the cake is 69.19%. Also in this article, studies have shown that the yield of oil from watermelon seeds can be increased by 5.74% compared to obtaining oil that has been pre-treated with steam, by coarse grinding (splitting), separating the core of the seeds, steaming and subsequent treatment with microwave radiation for 5 minutes. Under these conditions, 5.31% of moisture is removed, the cake yield is 79.38%, the oil yield is 19.33%.

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How to Cite
Boykharayevich, F. J. . (2024). Studies on the extraction of oil from watermelon seeds. Engineering Applications, 3(2), 106–116. Retrieved from


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