Investigation of Wind Effects of Tall Buildings According to ASCE 7-16 Regulation and Comparison of Wind Simulation Program

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Fuat Tas
Gunnur Yavuz


Over time, developments in structural systems have increased the strength-to-weight ratio of load-bearing systems, the weight of the structure has decreased, and wind loads have begun to gain importance. Therefore, it has been understood that since the tall buildings built today are lighter and more flexible than their predecessors, their oscillations under wind load have become the most important problem faced by the designers of high buildings and have become the main parameter guiding the design. TSEN-1991-1-4 regulation excludes buildings with a maximum height of 200 meters from the scope of the regulation and recommends wind tunnel testing. However, there are various simulation programs for situations where wind tunnel testing is not possible. Within the scope of this article, the wind effect on the facade of the 72-storey building, which architectural plan is given, was examined according to the ASCE 7-16 regulation, and the results were compared with the wind simulation results in the Autodesk robot program. According to these results, it was concluded that the values ​​were approximately similar. Although the process steps are long and laborious, it has been concluded that similar simulation results can be used as the first step in the absence of a wind testing or for preliminary design situations of critical structures.

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How to Cite
Tas, F., & Yavuz, G. . (2024). Investigation of Wind Effects of Tall Buildings According to ASCE 7-16 Regulation and Comparison of Wind Simulation Program. Engineering Applications, 3(2), 157–171. Retrieved from


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