Analysis of major and trace metal levels in Kashar Lake, Artificial Lake of Tirana, Farka Lake, and statistical data analysis
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TThe primary objective of this study was to assess the presence and levels of heavy metals and trace elements in the prominent artificial lakes within the Tirana region, namely Kashar Lake, Tirana Artificial Lake, and Farka Lake. Sampling of water was conducted during April 2019, encompassing three distinct sampling stations across each lake. Utilizing the ICP-MS technique, concentrations of a comprehensive array of metals including Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Na, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Tl, V, U, and Zn were meticulously determined. The obtained concentrations were meticulously juxtaposed against the stringent environmental quality standards set forth by the European Union (EU). Encouragingly, the findings revealed that the measured metal concentrations in the sampled water bodies remained well within the permissible limits outlined by the EU standards. Furthermore, sophisticated statistical methodologies were employed to meticulously analyze and delineate the interrelationships amongst the metal levels across various sampling stations within the different lakes. Significantly, the statistical analyses unearthed no substantial variances in metal concentrations across the three designated sampling stations within the respective artificial lakes. This observation underscores a consistent and uniform distribution of heavy metals and trace elements within the studied aquatic ecosystems, thereby reflecting a relatively stable environmental milieu. Consequently, these findings hold paramount importance in bolstering our understanding of the current ecological status and sustainability of the artificial lakes within the Tirana region
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