Engineering Pavement Design for Major Campus Road Network within Schist and Quartzite Dominated Rocks of Ondo State, Southwestern Nigeria
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The overall performance of new pavements depends on the quality of design based on comprehensive soil investigation. Due to recent expansion and opening up of remote places in the main campus of Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Southwestern Nigeria, there’s need to design and construct additional low volume roads to link up many newly constructed lecture theatres and administrative buildings, within schistose quartzite and quartzite rocks. The pavement thickness was derived using the AASHTO design method, after thorough traffic count, and estimated single axle load (ESAL) computation (19.97 msa) for 20 years projection. The soil properties in terms of CBR and subgrade modulus were determined using DCPT and empirical correlations. The quartzite environment showed slight competence over the schistose quartzite derived soils, with average penetrative index, CBR, effective modulus of subgrade of 0.7 mm/blow, 48 %, 15.64 ksi, and 0.88 mm/blow, 50 %, 15.57 ksi respectively. The flexible pavement design process generated thickness (wearing, base, and subbase courses) of 375 mm in schistose quartzite, and 366 mm in quartzite environment, for structural number (SN) of 3.18 and 3.16 respectively, while 243 mm was obtained for the rigid pavement. This thickness is sufficient in view of slight variation in the strength of the subgrade across the two geological formations in the area; traffic volume; and geology of the area. Consequently, these design thickness is adequate for area, based on rigidity, durability, longevity and ease of maintenance desired.
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