Measurements and modelling of PM2.5 level in summertime period in Novada Main Shopping Centre Konya, Turkey

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Sukru Dursun
Mina Naseer Qasim


The people are spending most more the daily time in closed environments in their life. The living atmospheric air quality is important because of this long contact time. Air pollution is the presence of particles in the atmosphere because of the interaction of dust, gas, smoke, water vapor, odor and many chemicals in amounts that can harm living things and other things. This pollution, which is an environmental health problem affecting all countries of the world in recent years, causes the death of 3 million people every year in the world. In another definition, air pollution occurs because of fossil fuel burning, that is, anthropogenic activities such as natural gas, coal, and oil, to power industrial processes and motor vehicles. Industrialized countries expect a modern living place in modern life and living spaces. Their vehicle demands bring along motor vehicles and industrialization close to city centers and this effects a damage the human and environmental health. Konya city center is one of the most crowded plan sections of Turkey, and to finish our preparations together with central planning and industrial planning. People also prefer to spend their spare time doing great shopping that Novada Shopping Centre is one of them. It turns out that the forecasts of this weather arise if it is for the air pollution of the air from the people who come from shoppers and visitors. The basic organization for a good material for obtained air quality preparations. Improvement planning in the current situation achieves the goal of the air quality specialist so that the results obtained can be achieved.

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How to Cite
Dursun, S. ., & Qasim, M. N. . (2022). Measurements and modelling of PM2.5 level in summertime period in Novada Main Shopping Centre Konya, Turkey. Engineering Applications, 1(1), 19–32. Retrieved from


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