Geochemical and geological approach to the carbonate-hosted barite deposits in Dadağlı (Kahramanmaraş), Turkey
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In terms of its geological structure, Kahramanmaraş is a complex region where various tectonic units are observed simultaneously. Many thrust and fault zones identified with the closure of the southern branch of the Neotethys Ocean are observed in this region. There are units existing to the Amanos Group in the vicinity of Dadaglı (Kahramanmaraş). Paleozoic aged rocks and Mesozoic aged carbonates are observed on them. There is vein type barite mineralization in the fracture lines of the Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic Küreci dolomitic limestones in the north of Dadağlı. Paragenesis consists of galena, sphalerite, pyrite, smithsonite, calcite and quartz, individually. The mineralization is roughly 1 m thick and 200 meters long. The BaO value amounts to a peak of 65.07% in the specimens gathered from the ore zone. Although the ore zone is poor in SrO, it is rather rich in SiO2. Barite samples from the study area exhibit similar many other vein type barite deposits with SrO% contents. Since this region is extremely close to both East Anatolian Fault (EAF) and suture belt of Taurides and Arabian Platform, it is considered that EAF may have an effect on barite formation in fractures and cracks.
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