Investigation of Turkey's climate periods in terms of precipitation and temperature changes

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Taha Demirgül
Cavit Berkay Yılmaz
Büşra Nur Zıpır
Fatma Sena Kart
Muhammet Fatih Pehriz
Vahdettin Demir
Mehmet Faik Sevimli


In the current century, the climate crisis and the search for a solution take an essential place on the agenda of the whole world. Depending on the temperature and precipitation factors, natural disasters such as drought and flood negatively affect the living ecosystem and the economy. In this study, precipitation and temperature changes between the old climate period (1981-2010) and the new climate period (1991-2020) of Turkey were examined on the basis of 81 provinces and 25 water basins, and the climate periods of the country were compared. The precipitation and temperature data used in the study are long-term average data obtained from monthly average data. In addition, the variation of temperature and precipitation data according to the location, and separate interpolation maps were created for the old and new periods. When the old (574 mm) and new (573,4 mm) precipitation normals are examined throughout the country, a decrease of 0.6 mm (0.1%) has been detected.

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How to Cite
Demirgül, T. ., Yılmaz, C. B. ., Zıpır, B. N. ., Kart, F. S. ., Pehriz, M. F. ., Demir, V. ., & Sevimli, M. F. . (2022). Investigation of Turkey’s climate periods in terms of precipitation and temperature changes. Engineering Applications, 1(1), 80–90. Retrieved from


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