Effect of rice husk ash addition on the consolidation characteristics of cohesive soils
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One of the consequences of heavy urbanization in the cities is a widespread increase in high-rise buildings. A direct result of high-rise building construction is the increase in pressures applied to the foundation soils beneath the structures. This will cause high amount of settlements in most of the cohesive soils. Time dependent compaction of soils under constant stresses due to escape of water from voids is inevitable for most normally consolidated clays. Over a period of time, the gradual increase in effective stress in the soil layer will cause settlement. This event is referred to as consolidation. At this point, soil improvement techniques can be a good alternative for increasing the engineering properties of the soils. Rice husk ash is an organic pozzolanic by-product obtained by burning rice husks. Within the scope of this study, the consolidation characteristics of soils improved with rice husk ash, an organic pozzolanic waste product, were investigated by laboratory studies.
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