Geology, mineralogy and geochemical signatures of carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn Deposit in margin fold belt: Dadağlı-Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye
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It may be observed in the Kahramanmaraş region in conjunction with the Taurus Orogenic Belt and Arabian Plate units, according to Neothetys' closure. One of these bands, the Arabian plate's marginal fold belt, is where the Dadağlı Pb-Zn mineralization can also be observed. The Seydişehir formation provides the oldest lithology in this area. This unit is overlain by a Mesozoic carbonate angular unconformity. There are vein-type and epigenetic Pb-Zn mineralizations in the fractures and fissures of carbonate rocks to the north of Dadağlı. The paragenesis consists of galenite, sphalerite, barite, goethite, pyrite, cerussite, smithsonite, quartz, and calcite respectively. Galena-cerussite and sphalerite-smithsonite transformations have been observed in ore microscopy studies. Pyrite inclusions are rare in galenites. The pyrite-goethite transformation is particularly prevalent. The average concentration of PbO is 30.99%. This concentration can reach as high as 60.70%. The range of BaO values is 0.22-10.30%. Iron-deficient results were obtained in general, with an average CaO concentration of 11.54%. The main oxide values did not include ZnO values, but trace element analysis revealed Zn values ranging from 77.19 ppm to 1200.10 ppm. The concentrations of rare earth elements in the ore zone are extremely low. There were no significant differences in trace element concentrations. When the data obtained in previous studies combined with the data obtained as a result of this study, it was determined that the vein type Pb-Zn mineralization has a distinctive structure.
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