Geology, geochemistry and isotope compositions of carbonate-hosted barite deposit in Koçaşlı (Gülnar-Mersin, Türkiye)
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Due to the closure of the Neotethys ocean's branches, Precambrian-Mesozoic aged rocks are seen together along the Taurus Orogenic Belt. Significant barite deposits associated with carbonate rocks observed here. The Central Taurus Mountains' Devonian carbonates have evidence of the mineralization of Koçaşlı (Gülnar, Mersin) barite. The ore is oriented N10°W, with a slope and dip toward 60°SW. The ore zone is 7 meters thick and 15 meters long on average. Koçaşlı barite deposit is hosted in Paleozoic aged limestones in the Central Taurus Mountains. In accordance with the results of the geochemical analysis, the BaO concentration of the ore samples ranges from 63.76% to 68.56%. Regarding geochemical characteristics, it is similar to sedimentary type deposits and has a low SrO content. The REE-poor ore zone has no significant trace element anomalies. Stable oxygen, sulfur, and 87Sr/86Sr isotopes were each used in sequence for the initial investigations of the barite in this region. In comparison to the isotope ratio of modern sea water, the 34S values of the Koçaşlı barite samples are quite high, indicating that they are enriched in the heavy isotope 34S. The amount of 18O isotope detected in barites is close to the amount of sulfates found in Devonian seawater. The barite samples utilized in this study have greater 87Sr/86Sr ratios than the isotopic composition of modern seawater. These 87Rb isotope levels for the barite sample indicate a significant input from the continental crust. Depending on the conclusions of the isotope analysis, sedimentary processes play an essential role in this region's mineralization.
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