Influence of the instability form on the traffic safety indicator of freight rolling stock
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Knowledge of the laws of train movement under various control modes is necessary when programming the equations of train movement when it is necessary to determine the exact position of the train on the railway track and the stability of the wagons at the time of interest. In this regard, one of the main areas of research is the analysis of ensuring the safety of cargo transportation, as well as the stability of wheels from derailment influenced by the longitudinal forces and the form of loss of stability of freight wagons in the train. When considering the stability of a freight car as a rod system, the problem of instability of the I kind (Eulerian instability) was solved, and the efforts and displacements in the compressed-bent rods were determined using the deformation (displacement) method. As a result of theoretical studies, the values of the factor of stability against lift by longitudinal forces were obtained, taking into account the forms of instability. The relevance of this study relates to the need to control the longitudinal forces arising during the train movement, taking into account the increase in speeds, masses, and lengths of trains (especially freight trains) and the locomotive power increase.
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