On the formulation of the Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of the Helmholtz equation

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In this paper, we are talking about the formulation of the Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of the Helmholtz equation in two-dimensional and three-dimensional bounded domains. Preliminary information and formulation of the Cauchy problem are given. The corresponding examples characterizing the matrix factorization of the Helmholtz equation are constructed. On the basis of the constructed Carleman function, a regularized solution of the Cauchy problem for the matrix factorization of the Helmholtz equation on the plane in three-dimensional bounded domains is constructed in an explicit form.

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How to Cite
Juraev , D. A. ., Jalalov , M. J. O. ., & Ibrahimov , V. R. O. . (2023). On the formulation of the Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of the Helmholtz equation . Engineering Applications, 2(2), 176–189. Retrieved from https://publish.mersin.edu.tr/index.php/enap/article/view/964


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