Identification and classification of fruits through robotic system by using artificial intelligence

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The purpose of this research paper is to facilitate the work of industries that deal with the classification of different types of products, specifically in our case from the fruit and vegetable industry using Artificial Intelligence. The most important part of this work was the processing of images for fruit identification. For the classification to be as accurate as possible, it was necessary to use more samples of different types of fruits. To achieve the desired results, a total of 350 samples were needed, where to reach the number of these samples we photographed several types of fruits at different angles. Using the Python programming language, which has many libraries that are open sources and can be advanced by various professionals in the field of programming, facilitates image processing. For this purpose, the OpenCV library was used to generate photos so that fruits can be identified more easily. TensorFlow is used as a platform to teach machines to adapt our samples to the language that the robotic system understands.

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How to Cite
Pajaziti, A., Basholli , F. ., & Zhaveli , Y. . (2023). Identification and classification of fruits through robotic system by using artificial intelligence. Engineering Applications, 2(2), 154–163. Retrieved from


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