Evaluation of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis cases in Şanlıurfa in 2019-2022 using geographic information systems


  • Ceren Arkant
  • Abdullah İzzeddin Karabulut
  • Yaşar Koçer
  • Mehmet İrfan Yeşilnacar


Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, Environmental factors, Geographic Information Systems


Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is one form of the Leishmaniasis disease causing skin sores that may leave scars. Majority of CL cases (%80) worldwide is in WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. Rural areas rather than urban areas are of greater potential for the transmission of the disease. Major risk factors including socioeconomic conditions, , such as poverty, malnutrition, lack of waste management, population mobility, changes in urbanization, changes in temperature, rainfall and humidity can be classified as environmental factors that exacerbate the condition. Cuteneous Leishmanisasis cases diagnosed upon the application of the patients have been recorded on the health surveillance system in control of the Ministry of Health. Geostatistics analysis methods, which is a type of analysis of Geographical information systems (GIS), were used in order to map the obtained data.  During the period of the study 2601 CL cases were reported in Sanliurfa in total. This study showed the potential of the already existing disease in the region. Crowded areas where the settlements are disorganized seem to have higher risk for the CL cases to occur.





