Game development in Unity game engine using optical UAV data
UAV, Structure from Motion, 3D Model, Virtual Reality, UnityAbstract
Computer graphics have become highly advanced with the ability to offer users to experience
a synthetic world and interact with the digital environment in a realistic manner. Within this
concept, game engines are prominent tools for the visualization of three-dimensional (3D)
geospatial data and for creating virtual reality (VR) based applications. Moreover,
advancements in game engine technology, and easier and free access to powerful game
engines have increased the number of VR-based games. Optical UAVs are the most demanded
UAV systems due to their ability to produce precise and true color three-dimensional (3D)
object models with a broad array of objects in different sizes and forms. However, the optical
UAV technique has some disadvantages in 3D modeling including dependence on sunlight due
to the passive remote sensing principle and lack of vegetation penetration capability
compared to active remote sensing systems. Also, the geometry of image acquisition and low
correlation land cover cause distortions and inaccurate depictions on the generated 3D
models. In this study, the factors that will affect the performance of the game in the 3D model
production stages and within the Unity environment are investigated and relevant solutions
have been proposed.