Impact of climate change on the assessment of the content of the indicator organic suspended matter and sea surface temperature of the Caspian Sea


  • Ismayil Zeynalov
  • Rena Achmedova


Climate change, Sea surface temperature, Radiation balance, Temperature regime, Oil


The location of Azerbaijan in relatively low latitudes determines an intense influx of solar radiation and an increased value of the radiation balance (RB) of the underlying surface. The surface of the Caspian Sea causes significant changes in the temperature of the lower atmosphere, thereby affecting the climate of the surrounding areas. Oil pollution of coastal waters and the spread of oil films over large areas have a significant impact on the temperature of the surface layer of air. Consequently, the human factor can influence climate formation and lead to further deterioration of the condition of coastal ecosystems. Limited ground-based observation networks and unreliable calculation methods prevent us from correctly identifying these changes. The application of statistical methods of analysis to study climate on a global scale is unrepresentative due to the limited capabilities of the ground-based observation network. The advantage of space means in studying the climatic characteristics of the territory of Azerbaijan allows, based on the transformation of satellite observation data and interpretation of the resulting time series, to solve these problems, with further presentation of the final information at the nodes of a one-degree regular grid. This allows you to observe changes not at one point in space, as was done, in the traditional vertical column of the atmosphere, but in the zonal profile (horizontal aspect).





