Land readjustment method: Professional merit in determining implementation boundary


  • Halil Burak Akdeniz
  • Şaban İnam


Implementation boundary, Implementation area, Land readjustment, Merit


The development plan implementation in the land readjustment method made in accordance with the 18th article of the Land Development Act, No. 3194, consists of technical implementation stages that are related to each other. Determining implementation area and implementation boundary, constitute first and important stage of land readjustment method. The implementation boundary should determine to considering the implementation regulation, providing homogeneous distribution of government agency and public areas, protecting rights to use property and social justice, in other words, it should determine principle of professional merit consideringly. This case loom large in terms of the accuracy of the implementation in technical, economic, sociological dimensions. Although administration has legal authority on "where boundary will be determined in the implementation area", ithas responsibilities in terms of establishing the trust of the property owner in administration/state in an incorrect boundary detection. Therefore, technical personnel being in charge of on behalf of the administration and department making the approval of the boundary should act in professional/administration merit. In this study, will investigate to determining implementation boundaries studies in the development plan implementations are made by two different district municipality of Turkey's. Then, alternative suggestions will offer consideringly professional merit, ethical principles and the provisions of the legal legislation (Land Development Act No. 3194, Land Readjustment Regulation).





