Flood analysis of Çan (Kocabaş) stream with UAV images
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For societies, natural or human-induced events that cause loss of life and property, create social losses, interrupt life and human activities temporarily and indefinitely and affect the region in many ways, are defined as disasters in general terms. Events that are described as natural disasters are generally the results of the cycle of reorganizing the internal balances of nature, and they are called natural disasters when human societies are damaged by this cycle. Earthquakes and floods, which are among the natural disasters, are the two most affecting disasters in our country. Factors such as the geological structure of the land, its slope, the amount of vegetation, human influence and precipitation are effective in the occurrence of floods. When the floods and flood disasters in our country from past to present are examined, it is seen that many material and moral losses have occurred in our country. Accordingly, it is necessary to take various measures in order to prevent a possible flood disaster that may occur. Today, with the development of technology, it is possible to make predictions and take precautions about possible flood disasters by using various software such as HEC-RAS, MIKE HYDRO. In this study, HEC-RAS software was used as the software. Within the scope of the study, photographs of the part of the Biga (Çan) Stream Basin, which includes Çan and Biga districts, passing through Çan district center, were taken by the eEbee X model fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), these photographs were transformed into 3D models using various evaluation programs and flood analysis was carried out. necessary data have been obtained. Using the geometric and hydrological data obtained for the flood analysis, 3D flood modeling was performed on the numerical elevation and surface models of the Çan (Kocabaş) Stream with HEC-RAS. Finally, using ArcGIS software, 100 and 500 years old flood maps of Çan district were produced with coordinates on digital elevation and surface models.
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