Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based cadastral mapping accuracy analysis: a case study of Sarayköy, Konya

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Bilal Atak
Abdullah Varlık
Ramazan Güngör
Osman Salih Yılmaz


Cadastre is the process of determining and registration the geometric and legal status of real estates. The determination of the geometric status of real estates has been carried out using various methods throughout history. These methods, mostly based on local measurements, are prone to errors such as measurement, boundary, plotting, and calculation errors. These errors negatively affect project management in all engineering projects that are based on ownership today. Different solutions are being developed in cadastral applications to eliminate these negativities. Article 22/a of the Cadastral Law is one of the applications made to correct these errors. Until 2018, the delimitation of ownership was carried out with local measurements. With the update of the Large-Scale Map and Map Information Production Regulation, it can now be done with photogrammetric methods. However, this regulation leaves the details of photogrammetric products such as the number and distribution of ground control points, image processing intensity, image matching parameters, and optimization parameters to users and commercial software. This study analyzes the effect of differences in user determination, rotation parameters, image processing intensity, and optimization parameters on accuracy performance.


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How to Cite
Atak, B. ., Varlık, A. ., Güngör, R., & Yılmaz, O. S. (2024). Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based cadastral mapping accuracy analysis: a case study of Sarayköy, Konya. Advanced UAV, 4(1), 31–41. Retrieved from https://publish.mersin.edu.tr/index.php/uav/article/view/1527


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