The effects of additive on photovoltaic performance of Cu2ZnSnS4 promising solar absorbers
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In this study, the effect of ethyl cellulose as an additive on the structural, morphological and electrical properties of CZTS thin films was investigated. It was observed that the morphology and characteristically properties improved with the increase of the ethyl cellulose additive ratio. Despite the contribution, no binary and/or ternary phases formed and the formation of CZTS thin films determined by Raman spectroscopy. It was observed that uniformly distributed, continuous and dense granules with a thickness of approximately 1-2 µm were formed, when the surface morphology ratio of the ethyl cellulose-0.9% was submitted. In addition, it was determined from the obtained results that these surface properties contributed positively to the IPCE efficiency measurements. Accordingly, the highest IPCE efficiency was calculated as 10.63%. Finally, the estimation of the optical absorption measurement results is in between 1.37 and 1.60 eV interpreted to be in agreement with the literature values.
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