Comparison of infill wall effects in reinforced-concrete frames over different parameters
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Infill walls are widely used in reinforced-concrete structures and their contribution to the reinforced-concrete frame can be neglected. The amount of infill wall effect was investigated for a reinforced-concrete frame which has three different openings in this study. For this purpose, five different structural models have been created such as completely filled, gap in the corner, double gap and completely bare on the ground floor. Structural analyses were performed in Seismostruct software by using pushover and eigen value analyses for each structural model, respectively. Only the absence of infill wall was selected as a variable. The limit state of three different damages for performance level, period, base shear force, elastic and effective section stiffness’s were obtained separately for each structural model. The study revealed once again that the amount of infill wall contributes significantly to the seismic capacity of the building. Considering the contributions of infill walls will make the structural results much more realistic.
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