Kinetic and structural study on CuAlMnNi shape memory alloy with a novel composition
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In this work, a CuAlMnNi shape memory alloy with a novel composition was fabricated as cast ingot by arc melting process under vacuum. The specimens of the alloy were prepared by cutting the casted ingot alloy into small pieces. After then, all of the alloy samples were homogenized in high temperature β-phase region and then rapidly cooled by quenching them in iced-brine water in order to form martensite structure i.e., to bring shape memory property to the alloy. Then a batch of thermal and structural tests was carried out in order to probe shape memory effect characteristics of the CuAlMnNi alloy. By the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) tests which were taken back-to-back at varied heating/cooling rates, the solid-solid martensitic phase transformation peaks that appeared on the DSC thermograms of the alloy during cyclic heating and cooling processes of the alloy were observed as an evidence for the entity of the shape memory effect property that exists in the alloy. The transformation temperatures of the alloy were slightly changed with the heating/cooling rate changed. By making DSC peak analyses, it is determined that the martensite and austenite phases averagely start to form at ~36 °C and ~64 °C, respectively. Some other transformational kinetic parameters of the alloy were also calculated. Moreover, an Af temperature lag occurred at the high heating/cooling rate of 35 °C/min, which happened mainly because of that rapid heating rate that causes the temperature signal of the DSC pan hits to the DSC detector before the signal of the alloy sample in the pan does. The differential thermal analysis (DTA) test that was run at a single heating rate demonstrated that the thermal responsive behavior of the alloy in the high temperature β-phase region matched the common behavior of Cu-Al based memory alloys. By performing room temperature EDS analysis, the composition of the alloy was determined. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) test performed at room temperature showed the β1’ and dominant γ1’ martensite forms that formed in the alloy and this formation was theoretically also supported by calculating the average valence electron concentration per atom (e/a) value of the alloy.
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