Integration of 2D mapping, photogrammetry and virtual reality in documentation of material deterioration of stone buildings: Case of Mardin Şeyh Çabuk Mosque
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Today, various methods are used in documenting the cultural heritage with the development of technology. However, it is seen that 3-dimensional (3D) documentation technologies have some disadvantages. For instance, ground laser scanning techniques are not used widely due to their high costs and the expertise required. Although photogrammetry can create point clouds with lower costs, it has large data files, which require allocating more time for data management. Within this context, the aim of this study is to present a method, which integrates the photogrammetry and virtual reality technologies in order to obtain 3D model of a stone building with a reasonable cost and in a short time; and to research the stone material deteriorations over the 3D model obtained. The study is significant in terms of systematically presenting the methods how the material deterioration maps are obtained over the 3D model of a stone building in a virtual environment. Mardin Şeyh Çabuk Mosque, which shall be investigated as case analysis under the study, was investigated on-site, and 360 degree panoramic images were taken related with the building. 3D virtual environment was created from the panoramic images on Mozilla Hubs programme, which is an open web-sourced platform. Stone material deteriorations were determined over the model in the virtual environment, and determinations regarding the stone building deterioration types were entered into the schedules prepared. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the virtual 3D environment regarding the building can be created from the global panoramic photographs with the suggested method on Mozilla Hubs platform, which is an open-sourced website, with a reasonable cost and in a very short time; and stone material deteriorations regarding the building can be determined easily on this virtual environment.
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