A systematic method for post-earthquake damage assessment: Case study of the Antep Castle, Türkiye
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Although there is no definite information about when and by whom Antep Castle was built, its history dates back 6000 years. The walls of the Antep castle were built in the Byzantine Period in the 6th century AD, and it is the most important structure of Gaziantep with its historical monument value and its significant contribution to the National Struggle in history. The castle was used during the occupation of Antep, and today it has the Heroism and Panorama Museum, which tells about the events that took place during the national struggle. In the earthquakes that took place on February 6, 2023, with an interval of 9 hours, the massive damage to the Antep Castle and its walls caused the castle to become the symbol of the earthquake in Turkey. In order to ensure the sustainability of our cultural heritage, there is a need for a detailed and systematic assessment of the damage assessment of Antep Castle and walls after the earthquake. The main purpose of this study is to discuss the damage observed after the earthquake in the historical Antep Castle and its walls in Gaziantep, Turkey. In the study, literature research, on-site visual examination and tabulation methods were applied. Based on the problems seen in the post-earthquake fortifications in different countries in the world, a table of damage mechanisms was created that can be used as a tool to classify post-earthquake damages on the walls on a geographical basis. The method presented in this study will save a great deal of time, money and effort in the evaluation and rehabilitation of fortifications with cultural and strategic historical importance.
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