Determination and modelling of PM2.5 level in summer time in Selcuk University Shopping Centre Konya, Turkey
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Most of the people spend their most more the time in closed environments during their life. The quality of living atmosphere is really important because of this long contact time period. In inhaled respiration air is contain particle matters pollutant sources in the atmospheric environment, like volatile organic compounds, dusts and different sizes of particulate matters. The health impact of these substances has been investigated in recent years on may scientifically research. In this investigation, particulate matter PM2.5 size dimension, which is one of the indoor air pollutants, was carried out in Selcuk University public shopping center and the data were compared according to seasons, weekday and weekends. For the preparing 3-dimensional mapping, Surfer v.16 computer packed program was used and data modelling was investigated. Certain intervals were measured during three seasons. The measured shopping center is located in the Alaeddin Keykubat campus of Selcuk University. Measurement PM2.5 values in the center of Gökkuşağı shopping center exceed the standards of WHO, and it was observed that summer values were lower than winter seasons. Higher values were observed in the winter season. In terms of measurement area, higher PM concentrations were found in Gökkuşağı shopping center than in similar shopping malls.
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