PM2.5 concentration measurements and mapping at Gokusagı Mall for autumn 2018, in Konya, Turkey
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The majority of people living in urban areas spend a significant part of their lives indoors such as homes, schools and workplaces. Therefore, the air quality of indoor or indoor environments is very important. As in Turkey, while improving the outdoor air quality first, regulations on indoor air quality have started to be developed recently, or lower pollutant concentrations are determined by lowering the air quality standards by certain ratios for acceptable limit values for indoor environments. Ventilation systems and air quality are very important especially for Shopping Centers, which are visited by people from different walks of life and have many different business lines. Gökkuşağı Shopping Center also causes thousands of patients and their relatives to visit because of the fact that the Faculty of Medicine has more than 100 personnel, together with around 100 thousand students belonging to Selçuk University. Gökkuşağı Shopping Center, which was established to meet the needs of these people, serves around 100 people with its cafes, restaurants and many workplaces. This service is concentrated at certain hours, especially when there is a need for food. In this study, which was carried out during the university education period, the measurements of the particle size (PM2.5) pollution reaching the human lungs and remaining there to a large extent were made at 6 different hours between the opening-closing hours of the shopping mall. The distribution of the pollutant in the space was modelled using the Surfer16 package program and the distribution map was drawn. The values obtained in the measurements were above the international standards.
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