Creation of a point cloud of a historical structure using the terrestrial laser scanning method – The Example of Bezmialem Valide Sultan Fountain


  • Berkan Sarıtaş
  • Umut Aydar
  • Beyza Karademir


3D model, CloudCompare, Lidar, TLS


In order to ensure that the structures are repaired again as a result of possible natural disasters and day-to-day wear and tear of historical structures, it is necessary to create 3-dimensional models. One of the methods used in the realization of this model is terrestrial laser scanning. As a result of scanning the historical structures in question in different sessions with the terrestrial laser scanning method, a point cloud is obtained and used in relay studies. The filtering process is performed first for the use of point clouds. The filtering process was carried out by removing the point data found in the environment during the scanning of the structure to be studied and which were considered noise in our study. In our study, CloudCompare software was used in order to turn the point clouds obtained as a result of different sessions and the filtering process completed into a single structure. In order to combine the point clouds, control points established before the scanning process started and natural points located on the structure were used.


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