Reducing noise pollution using panels: The case of Konya City


  • Sedanur Ertekin
  • Şükrü Dursun


Noise pollution, Traffic noise, Noise control panels, Solid waste


Complaints about noise caused by the increasing vehicle load in big cities are increasing. City center transmission density, wide roads, road location and road surface coverage, traffic signaling systems in the city are the factors that monitor environmental pollution. Non-compliance with the rules in traffic, especially the stop-stops of small public transportation vehicles, wrong parking, heavy use of motorcycles and other transportation vehicles cause noise in the traffic density. Insufficient increase of road surface in the city. To minimize the negative effects of evaluations on people, the use of environmental panels on urban and extra-urban highways is one of the solutions. In this study, the use of environmental panels to prevent traffic congestion in Konya province and the usability of end-of-life tires (ÖTL) as the basic material of the panels were investigated. In this way, it has been investigated that the tire hose that has completed its life is not thrown away and the possibility is evaluated. Arrangements made within the scope of zero waste of the study will be supported. His designated area for evaluation of behavior is measuring data before and after panel installations. In the study, the boundaries of which points can be placed have been studied. With the obtained data, the environmental simulation application of Konya was modelled with SURFER software and reflected on the map. In this way, a clearer differentiation of the normal distribution of the environment in the city and the predicted diffraction after the panel was achieved.


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