Investigating the Kavşut (Göksun-Kahramanmaraş) Cu-Pb-Zn deposit by using IP/Resistivity methods


  • Cihan Yalçın
  • Hurşit Canlı
  • Kıvanç Haznedaroğlu
  • Filiz Akbulut


Polymetallic, Cu-Pb-Zn, IP/Resistivity, Mining, Kavşut


According to its tectonic structure, Türkiye has major orogenic belts. Important ore deposits are observed along the characteristic Tethys metallogenic belt. Cu-Zn-Pb (polymetallic) mineralizations are hosted in many areas along this tectonic belt. The polymetallic enrichment southeast of Kavşut (Göksun, Kahramanmaraş-Turkey) is also located in the Tethys metallogenic belt. The region is basement to the Goksun ophiolites. This complex is overlain by the Malatya Metamorphites with a tectonic contact. Within these units, mineralization is observed in the fracture-cracks and karstic gaps of carbonate rocks. IP/Resistivity studies were carried out to reveal the geometry and distribution of this mineralization underground. It was determined that sulphide mineralizations show high rechargeability character. Cross sections and two-dimensional level maps were prepared according to the electrical data obtained for planning and coordination. This visual information provides very important information for the mining operation in the region.


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