Stone alterations in Şehidiye Madrasah


  • Şefika Ergin
  • Ayşe Biçen Çelik
  • İlhami Ay
  • Murat Dal


Mardin, Şehidiye Madrasah, Stone Alteration, Types of Alteration, Traditional Stone Buildings


The durability of stone, which is the main construction material of traditional stone buildings, plays an important role in the transfer of the buildings to future generations. Alterations occur in these stones as a result of external environment and climate effects. The causes, processes and solution proposals of these alterations are important for the survival of the buildings. For this purpose, the alterations in Şehidiye Madrasah were analyzed. Alterations occurring on the facades of the building were identified and classified. The classification was made as physical, chemical, biological and anthropogenic. It is aimed that the study will form the basis for the presentation of solution proposals according to the alterations occurring in the structure in the repair projects planned to be carried out in the coming years.


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