Security in the components of information systems


  • Fatmir Basholli
  • Rezar Mezini
  • Armand Basholli


Systems, Technology, Integrity, Security, Information


The security aspects of information systems in the public and private sector are very important, because these are often part of critical national security infrastructures. Although the size of the public sector varies in different countries, it usually includes all government infrastructure and various levels of local government, which consist of many smaller organizations scattered throughout the country. Today, even in the private sector, is being invested in the use of technology and security aspects. The purpose of this paper is about the processes, policies, procedures, and other documents that public and private sector organizations possess and use in the field of security and information systems. Through this paper, I think we contribute to understanding how these institutions or private companies stand against national and international standards and best practices in the field of security of components in information systems.


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