The impact of alternative fuels to diesel in reducing pollution from vehicles


  • Asllan Hajderi
  • Ledia Bozo
  • Fatmir Basholli


The main source of energy for vehicles is currently internal combustion engines. These engines emit the main pollutants carbon oxide, carbon dioxide, hidrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, and particles matters into the atmosphere. The biggest polluter of nitrogen oxides and particles are diesel engines. For this purpose, the addition of alternative fuels ethanol, methanol, biodiesel, and Fisher-tropsch fuel to conventional diesel fuel in the amount of 5-15% has been studied, to see their impact on the reduction of carbon dioxide and pollution. For this, the analytical method of carbon dioxide calculation, experimental data from the literature and experimental measurements of the opacity coefficient were used. From the obtained results, it results that in reduction of CO affect more the fuels B15 up to 11.5%, M-15 up to 9%, FT 15 up to 7.5% and E-15 up to 6%. Also, M 15 has the greatest impact on the reduction of particles and nitrogen oxides with a reduction of 45% and 30% respectively, followed by E 15 with 30% and 20% and B15 and FT15 with 30% and 25%. Experimental measurements of the opacity coefficient confirm that the use of M15 and E15 fuels reduces pollution by 35% and 25%.


