The use of new generation sequencing technologies for aquaculture genetics studies


  • Gülseven Aleyna Yatmaz
  • Furkan Ayaz


Aquaculture, NGS, Biotechnology, Sustainability


The new generation sequencing is a novel biotechnological method that has been used in versatile fields. In this study, we are sharing the latest literature in aquaculture field and how the new generation sequencing can be utilized to increase the efficiency in production. Aquaculture technologies are older than terrestrial animal production technologies. It is almost a necessity today to use high-tech biotechnological methods for a more sustainable and efficient operation of this sector, which occupies a very important place in the world’s food needs. For this reason, we should start to manage the aquaculture production sector in a more controlled way by using new generation sequencing methods to decipher the genomes of the organisms and easily generate safe genetically modified or more resistant individuals.


