Gold nanoparticles in sunscreen formulations


  • Nazlı Tekin
  • Furkan Ayaz


Gold nanoparticle, Sunlight, Treatment, Skin


These days, many sunscreens are being produced. According to each skin type, sunscreen, which contains different ingredients, has not only beneficial aspects but also harmful aspects. The treatment of these sunscreens is superficial and protects from UV-B rays but not from UV-A rays. These harmful rays that can reach us from the sun, invisible to the naked eye, may cause DNA damage, cancer formation, skin aging, genetic mutations such as photo allergy and phototoxicity. AuNPS that are ultra-small, stable, absorption as properties with biocompatiple particles are known to have qualifications such as stronger irradiance and benefits to the skin. Thanks to these features, they can assist us on this topic. Furthermore, as the zinc oxide in the content of sunscreen is not absorbed through the skin, it does not harm the skin. However, recently, zinc oxides with nanoparticles have been produced. It is aimed to eliminate the white effect of zinc oxide on the skin directly. Namely, since the nanomaterial is absorbed through the skin, it is likely to cause harm, and it has been shown in some studies that ZnO causes breast cancer. Therefore, it is thought that the use of AuNP instead of ZnO may be beneficial.


