Converting small-scale aquaculture systems from characterization one to an indicator system for assessing sustainability and its contribution to food safety


  • Enkeleda Berberi
  • Spase Shumka


Small-scale aquaculture, Sustainability, Indicators, Conservation, Food safety


In the last decades the contribution of small-scale aquaculture to particular areas of Albania has played important role for income generation and helped towards goals for sustainable rural development. Given to the fact that these systems: (i) are lacking health standards for securing requirements of food safety; (ii) are not integrate din the local territorial development of regions and (iii) there is a poor integration of development practices into conservation approaches, this study aims at establishment of set indicators that measure the role of aquaculture into sustainable economy and food safety. So, it describes the scientific needs of converting approach from simple characterization of small-scale aquaculture towards the indicator system. Following FAO examples, best practices, and different references the indicator system includes a roster of economic, health state, incidence of disease, value chain, contribution to local economy, gender access to resources, employment generation, etc. In our approach from the potential indicators, a matrix was developed showing the rationale for the indicator, the means of measurement and the methods of data collection in the Albanian circumstances of small-scale farming system. From the list of initial ca. 40 indicators, we narrowed the list to 13 indicators that will assess the contribution of small-scale aquaculture to sustainability, integration to conservation approaches and food safety.


