Protective effect of flavonoids against the colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer, Flavonoid, NutritionAbstract
Cancer is a disease that can be determined by the independent increase of cells in a random part
of the body compared to other surrounding normal tissues, moreover, their infiltration into the
surrounding tissues, and a change in the normal differentiation pattern of the tissue resident cells.
It also metastasizes to other parts of the body when these cells pass into the circulation. Colorectal
cancer, on the other hand, is among the most diagnosed cancers in Turkey, as it continues to exist
with high prevalence rates all over the world. It can occur in cases where epithelial cells can
benefit from self-renewal and reproduction caused by the epigenetic mutations. With next
generation sequencing techniques and genetic studies on tumor cells, cancer-forming and/or
tumor suppressor genes have been identified in our digestive tract. The development and
differentiation of the treatment methods day by day and the widespread use of screening tests
that are being conducted led to a decrease in the incidence of the disease and a decrease in deaths
caused by the disease. It is known that phytochemicals in the plant-based foods can be used by
taking advantage of their cancer prevention feature. In line with this information, flavonoids have
antioxidant properties and are found in many plant-derived foods. In this article, we will focus on
the formation of colorectal cancer and how much cancer can be prevented thanks to the