Direct pouring system design and optimization in steel castings
Steel casting, Direct pouring system, Modeling and simulation, Casting defects, FiltrationAbstract
In this study, a computer-aided design solid modeling program was used in the design of
the Kalpur direct pouring sytem, non-filter bottom direct pouring system, and filtered
direct pouring system for steel castings. The flow and solidification simulation of the
different direct pouring systems of the casting parts were made in magma flow and
solidification program. The study clearly shows that the kalpur direct pouring system
has revealed that it plays a significant role in preventing non-metallic casting defects in
steel castings, such as sand, gas, and slag. In addition, it has been revealed in the study
that the non-filter bottom direct pouring system prevents non-metallic casting defects in
steel castings such as the kalpur direct pouring system. Kalpur direct pouring system is
recommended to be used in ferrous based castings by FOSECO, was used for the first time
in the ÇİMSATAŞ foundry in the steel castings and the appropriate result was obtained.