Industry 4.0: Key features, adoption, and barriers


  • Ramesh Rudrapati
  • Perumalla Janaki Ramulu
  • Nikhil Kumar


Industry 4.0, Adoption of I4.0, Barriers of I4.0, Smart Manufacturing, Smart products


Industry 4.0 (I4.0), which has captured the attention of many industrialists, governments, and institutions since its publication in 2011 has led to digital transformation. Digitization and integration are central to I4.0, which involves the entire product life cycle. I4.0 focuses mainly on the development of smart manufacturing by utilizing innovative technologies in order to develop smart products. Businesses in the 21st century need I4.0 to survive. In this study, the basic features of I4.0 are presented and the various barriers to implementing it are described. The study concludes with a few observations based on the findings of the research.


