Electronic interference and protection from it
Electronic interference Systems, Spectrum, Electronic protection, FrequenciesAbstract
The main purpose of this article is to present the importance of complex protection from this advanced electronic technology which is an important part to achieve objectives at different levels of a conflict or a military operation. Electronic interference is used to enhance capability and ensure superiority over the adversary. Control of the electromagnetic spectrum has a major impact on the success of military operations. Modern weapons and support systems utilize radio, radar, infrared, optical, laser and ultraviolet technologies. Electronic interference has a major role in ensuring and maintaining the independence of action in an electromagnetic environment, it is vital in the formation, content, dominance, stabilization and capabilities in the various phases of an operation. The level of electronic intervention helps the leaders of the operation to understand the battlefield, to organize, structure and harmonize the actions with the various civil authorities, etc. Electronic interference applications are important to restrain, detect, prevent various threats such as missiles, aircraft, ships, terrorist groups, cyber threats, etc. The experience from the applications of electronic intervention allows to ensure the normal functioning of communication and information systems as well as the independence of the work of different systems, which makes it interesting to study and include different security structures of a country.