Cyber security in mail with Fortiweb and Fortinet for companies and institutions


  • Adisa Daberdini
  • Fatmir Basholli
  • Novrus Metaj
  • Elisa Skenderaj


Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Fortinet, Security, Fortiweb


In this paper, we will present some studies that we have done on the applications that are used for the cyber protection of email on the client and on the server. It is expected that these can also be applied in companies and also in different institutions. One of the applications that is being used for data protection is Fortinet and for web and email protection on the web is Fortiweb, which can be used in different ways with EMS and FortiGate. Fortinet is installed on a linux server as it is one of the most suitable systems for such programs given the protection they offer against various viruses. The data analysis that was done on this server was done on the basis of the attacks that were recorded mainly on the server. Security management in different companies has started to be separated from the management of IT sectors as it is always and more presenting a high risk and security is normally required in applications and in their most efficient use. Also, they are also very vulnerable, since expanding to every user, then not everything can be controlled and secured by IT. Nowadays, organizations, different companies and different government organizations are moving more and more towards a digital acceleration, which has brought the highest risk of cyber-attacks. We will also consider how we will have the opportunity to increase the protection and integrity of regular email and email used in companies and institutions.


