Flood modeling with FLO-2D: Mersin / Lamas River


  • Vahdettin Demir
  • Abdulkadir Özcan


DEM, FLO-2D, Flood modeling, Mersin, Lamas River


Floods are natural disasters that cause loss of life and property, when necessary, precautions are not taken. It is the first among meteorological disasters in our country, and it comes after earthquakes among all disasters. In order to prevent or reduce the losses caused by floods, flood models should be made and precautions should be taken. In this study, two-dimensional flood modeling was carried out for the Lamas River, which transfer its waters into the Mediterranean and is located in Mersin province. In the study, the FLO-2D model was carried out on the 5-meter resolution elevation model obtained from the General Directorate of Maps. In the study, Q100 and Q500 flow return periods were modeled, and flood maps were obtained. As a result of the study, it was determined that the study area within the city limits was affected by both floods and the agricultural greenhouses in this area were unprotected. In addition, it was stated that the DEM resolution used significantly affected the study results.


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