Finding the closest and lowest price pharmacy over a given location


  • Julian Imami


Pharmacy website, Database, PostgreSQL, Python, Huffman


If an object is required, people will buy it, but they will search for a seller who is deserving of their cash. Timing and approval are not very important factors when making a buy. Negotiating a lower price is essential because it might make them happier. You may be wondering why drugstore prices differ so much. The cost of treatments, even those that aren't prescribed, can vary considerably. These expenses change because various pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) bargain prices on behalf of pharmacies and drug companies. When there are numerous PBMs and shops, drug prices frequently fluctuate. The purpose of this paper is to provide customers with the opportunity to input their desired medication and location in order to find the nearest (driving distance) pharmacy that will provide their desired medications at a reduced price.



