Detection and prevention of intrusions into computer systems


  • Fatmir Basholli
  • Adisa Daberdinİ
  • Armand Basholli


Intrusion detection, Denial of Service, Network-based, Interventions, Detection systems


Historically, the concept of ownership has dictated that individuals and groups tend to protect valuable resources. No matter how much protection is given to the property, there is always a weak point, where the security provided at certain points fails. This general notion has guided the concept of systems security and defined the disciplines in cyber security and especially that of computer networks. Computer network security consists of three principles: prevention, detection and reaction/response. Although these three are the basic components of security, the main focus is on detection and prevention resources because if we are able to detect and prevent all security threats, then there is no need for reaction and response. Intrusion prevention is the art of preventing unauthorized access to system resources. The two processes are related in a sense, where intrusion detection passively watches for intrusions into the system, and intrusion prevention actively filters network traffic to prevent intrusion attempts. In the continuation of the treatment, we will focus on these two processes.


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